Wine & Cheese

Wine & Cheese map is a network showing the pairing of different kinds of wine and cheese. You can construct this graph in graphspace_python by the following steps:

Importing necessary modules

You have to import the GSGraph class to construct a graph, GraphSpace client class to upload the graph to GraphSpace, and other necessary modules (urllib and json).

>>> import urllib
>>> import json
>>> from graphspace_python.graphs.classes.gsgraph import GSGraph
>>> from graphspace_python.api.client import GraphSpace

Initialize GraphSpace client

You have to initialize the GraphSpace client by providing your username and password.

>>> graphspace = GraphSpace('', 'user1')

Fetch graph data

You can fetch the structural data of the Wine and Cheese map, consisting of its nodes and edges, present in the Cytoscape repository, by using urllib and json module.

>>> data_url = ''
>>> response = urllib.urlopen(data_url)
>>> graph_data = json.loads(

Fetch style data

You can fetch the style data of the Wine and Cheese map, consisting of style of its nodes and edges, present in the graphspace_python repository, by using urllib and json module.

>>> data_url = ''
>>> response = urllib.urlopen(data_url)
>>> style_data = json.loads(

Initialize graph

You can create a graph using the GSGraph class.

>>> G = GSGraph()

Set name,tags and visibility status

Using the mothods of the GSGraph class you can set name, tags and visibility status for your newly created graph.

>>> G.set_name('Wine and Cheese')
>>> G.set_tags(['wineandcheese', 'graphspace', 'demo'])
>>> G.set_is_public()

Define meta-data

Meta data for the graph can be set in the following way:

>>> data = {
>>>     'description': 'Network of wine and cheese pairing.<br>View functional demo of this graph at:\
>>>  <a href=\"\"></a>',
>>>     'directed': False
>>> }
>>> G.set_data(data)

Construct nodes and edges of graph from graph data

The fetched graph data is a dictionary having an array of nodes and an array of edges in it. You can iterate through the arrays to add nodes, node positions and edges in the following manner:

>>> for node in graph_data['elements']['nodes']:
>>>     G.add_node(node['data']['id'], node['data'], label=node['data']['name'])
>>>     G.set_node_position(node['data']['id'], node['position']['y'], node['position']['x'])
>>> for edge in graph_data['elements']['edges']:
>>>     G.add_edge(edge['data']['source'], edge['data']['target'], edge['data'])

Set styling for graph elements

The fetched style data is already in the proper json format and ready to be assigned to the graph. So you can set the styling in the following way:

>>> G.set_style_json(style_data)

Upload graph to GraphSpace

Finally, you can upload the graph to GraphSpace.

>>> graph = graphspace.post_graph(G)
>>> graph.url

This demo graph is already present on GraphSpace. You can view it at
